Sunday, May 8, 2011

This Weeks Deals/Steals

This was by far one of the best weeks I have had yet with couponing! All of the months of hard work are really paying off now :)

Now when I say hard work...I am just talking about accumulating enough coupons to really have everything on hand that I need. This does not take a whole lot of time or anything...just overall time to accumulate :) I started getting the AJC every Sunday back in I have stocked all coupon inserts since then which is a good base to pick from.

So...we will start with my first trip to Publix on Thursday.
The value of all of the groceries was $113 and I spent $38. My trip ranged from things such as ground turkey, frozen veggies, whole fruit sorbet, cereal, pasta, fruit, shampoo/conditioner, to yogurt (thats still not everything).

Publix trip #2 was even better.
I went a second time because some great yogurt deals started on Saturday and I wanted to get them asap. (K-Bear likes yogurt in her lunch for school). I also got a ridiculous deal on diapers and wipes. Diapers were (and still are until next Thursday or even later) $19.99 a box and wipes refills are $6.99. Looking at this price does not make me excited in the least...but when coupons are involved things get better. I had a Publix store coupon for $5 off a box of diapers and wipes refill. I had a manufacturer coupon for $3.50 off diapers, a CVS coupon for $2 off diapers and a CVS coupon for $2 off wipes. Which made the cost of an 84 count box of diapers and 216 count box of wipes $14.98. The cost without the coupons would have been $26.98...which makes for 44% savings. And I forgot a coupon for this trip which would have made for more savings. I know a lot of diaper websites offer 20% off plus free shipping...but I have found that stacking coupons and just getting them while I am at the grocery is cheaper. On top of the diaper deal, I bought 2 bags of publix bagels, 2 packs of YoPlus yogurt, 2 packs of yoplait kids yogurt, a kikkoman fried rice sauce mix, and a half dozen eggs...for a food total of $2.87.

CVS trip (today)
I bought a total of 7 bottles of 1 quart sized ready-feed Similac formula for just over $ CVS is running a deal on their ready feed for $4.59 a bottle...grab the coupon in the SmartSource mag from AJC on 4/3 (April 3) for $5 off ANY Similac product...and VOILA...FREE formula! Well...actually...they owed me something in the ballpark of $1 but technically they cant pay me to walk out the door with it just settled to nothing :) Thanks to my friend Allison who graciously gave me some extra coupons for the formula AND, more importantly, taught me how to coupon :)

I LOVE sharing tips, ideas, and strategies for couponing, so if you have any, please feel free to share!

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